Friday, July 13, 2007

Christmas time?

Is it too early to be thinking about Christmas? Maybe for some, but, as my dear spouse knows, it's about this time every year that I start getting all into the spirit of things. Which, honestly is rediculous since it's like 100 degrees outside! I think this happening stems from a Christmas pageant I was in for years that we started getting ready for in July. When you start practicing music for Christmas in the month of July, you can't really help but start thinking about hot cocoa and all that jazz. And I don't mean I am into decorating (way too early for that), I mean into all the thoughts of what I am going to craft this year. Since I am making all gifts (something I have done since I was like 10) this year (again) and my almost 4 year old is really wanting to "help mamma", I am trying to think up some creative plan of some sort that he can help me with. Last year we made new stocking for our family. He really enjoyed getting to pick out the colors and such. Being that his favorite color is green, pretty much all of them had some type of green theme to them. Hmmmm, what to do this year......

1 comment:

erin said...

I have TOTALLY been thinking about Christmas already!!! I think it's just such a fun time a year you start to miss it after 6 months!