Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tag, I'm it!

The fabulous Pampering Beki has tagged me! The rules of the game: list 6 weird/interesting things about yourself and then tag a further 6 bloggers (by going to their blog and telling them to check out your blog post related to this) to keep the momentum going. List your 6 tagged bloggers at the bottom of your post.
K, here goes....

1 I am allergic to cantaloupe. I know, very sad and people look at me like I'm nuts, but it's true. If I eat it, my tongue gets all itchy and then it starts to swell and blocks air passages-Not good. So I don't eat it.
2 My favorite color is purple, but there is no purple in my decor whatsoever. There is plenty of yellow though! Go figure.
3 I am an origami nut. I LOVE origami. Someone gave me a book about it when I was maybe 8or9 and I have been hooked ever since.
4 I love watching documentaries. My husband thinks I am slightly odd for it, but what can he say, he'll watch 'em with me!
5 I have a serious phobia of public restrooms. Call it my dislike of germs, but I will not use them unless it's an emergency.
6 I LOVE old movies. Love them! In High School, there was a little group of us that would get together on occasion and just watch old movies the whole time. Crazy, but who doesn't like Cary Grant or Doris Day?! Maybe it's just me.

Whew! Glad it was only six things to list. Now, I have to say I am gonna follow PamperingBeki's Lead and only tag ONE fellow blogger. And I'll tag.....

The Vintage Pearl

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