Friday, October 19, 2007

Good Things

I am a little late with my "Thankful" post for this week. But, better than last week when I totally missed it all together and didn't even realize it until Tuesday! Maybe I should change this to another day? Nah, I will just try and keep up with what I have already started.

Today was a really fun day. It was a "work" (meaning NO school) day at the monkey boy's pre-school, so we had a play date with a good friend. A couple good friends actually, both his and mine! My friend (the mom) of his friend had this cute idea about making candy corn cookies. SO cute! They turned out very cute and it was fun with the kiddos and moms decorating the cookies. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so I have no pics to share at the moment, but another friend there was a smart thinker and had hers, so she said she would be happy to share. I will try and remember to post those when they come my way. Super cute idea! So, that is what I am thankful for this Thursday....good friends, fun times and laughter. Oh, and that our kids get along too! I love that our kids get along and that our friendships are able to grow along with them. Not always able to have it both ways...

Happy Thursday......wait, Friday to you!

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