I have taken the pledge! Okay, so really I have been making handmade gifts for Christmas for as long as I can remember. It all started when I learned how to knit, crotchet and sew. I was little and I took to it immediately and LOVED it! I made things here and there all the time, but when I learned I could do things with a needle and thread (or yarn and hook) well, a whole new world opened up to me! I started to analyze things to see how they were made. Like a pretty sock bunny that I had received as a gift years before. I looked at it one day and decided I wanted to make one! So I did. Many. As a matter of fact, my whole family each received a completely hand sewn sock bunny that year for Christmas. I have to say, they were quite, what's the word....humble looking. But, I enjoyed every bit of their making. And to this very day my sister still has hers that I made for her. And that is saying something seeing that she "cleans" things out often and is married to a dear fellow who has no sentimentality of "things", even humble, sweet little sock bunnies. But, she has kept it! I will have to see if I can get a pic of it. It's seriously kinda sad looking. poor thing. I also made these silly little medicine bottle covers once. Not sure why, but I thought all people who ever needed to take medicine should need these for the not so attractive medicine bottles. So, I crocheted little animals and added felt detail to them. What I was thinking I don't know. However, my mom still has her little bottle "creature" I made for her. Hmmm, something about the handmade from the heart thing, huh? I love handmade. So, this year, even if I do not make it myself, I have pledged to buy handmade as well!
Happy Handmade to you and yours!
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