Hope everyone had a splendid Thanksgiving! We did here with lots of family and fun. I really want to post some more and tell all about the fun ideas (NOTE ideas, not finished projects) I have planned for the holiday crafts and such. However, between the orders a makin', packin' and shippin', I am peeking in to say a quick hello and promise to visit again soon! Hopefully with some fun crafty holiday pictures to share....
Happy Wednesday to you!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!

Okay, not much posting going on here at the moment. Not that I don't have plenty to go on about....just, lots of family in and orders for Little Bird to finish up and get out tomorrow so I can enjoy the Holiday with loved ones. Then back to the studio to work on some little projects here and there that I hope to have up in my SHOP next week! Until then, I leave you with a festive little pie pumpkin my son decorated.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Little Lovelies

Meet Elena. She is my Matryoshka inspired doll I whipped up over the weekend. I have been wanting to get back to creating more one-of-a-kind items lately. Not that I don't LOVE making the onesies and tees and blankets and such. I do and will continue to be making those for a long time to come. I have just been feeling a pull back towards making something...different. Like these dolls! I have loved the Russian nesting (or Matryoshka) dolls for as long as I can remember and have been wanting to make one of these for some time now. Not really a "nesting" type, but more plush and something little ones can love on. I used to make more things like this in the past and just the last few years things have been so busy I feel as though I have gotten away from simple hand-sewing special pretties. I guess that is why I continue to hand applique the onesies and tees I make. I have to keep that balance somehow!
So, I have decided to make a few of these and will be posting them in my shop this week or next. Each will be one of a kind , hand embroidered, with her own special story. Keep a look out and I will hopefully be posting more pics of the others I plan on making this week.
Happy Monday!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Jingle Bells...

Okay, I am SO in the mood for a little Christmas! I love it, even if it is due to be in the 80's today (after a thirty degree drop just Tue.!) I was so very excited to get out some long sleeves and finish up a scarf for my son. Then, just as I do these things, we have a "warming trend" and we are to be in the 80's and then 70's next week! It is November, yes?
Anyway, so this year (as usual with me) I am going handmade with gifts. I wanted to start a little tradition of new "jammies" each year for the immediate familia, but have yet to do it! This year however, I have a four year old with some serious opinions and is totally on board with the handmade and new jamma pants! So, we went to the store, picked out the fabric (shown above with the reindeer) and voila! We will have matching jamma pants for the holidays! Mom, Dad and the Monkey Boy. Now, I just need to get to work on it all.....
Happy Friday to you!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Washing Machine
It's that time of week! And I am actually gonna post this "Thankful Thursday" post on a Thursday! Amazing, I know.
It's a pretty simple one this week. As much as we all love (or not so much) doing laundry, I have to say having a machine that is working properly is very beneficial! Ours has been hit or miss for a couple months now. Then, the other night I was in there trying to get the whatsahoozit to work and I hear this "snap!" and then you here, "HON!" from the laundry room (me) calling to my fabulous and wonderful Hubby to come and take a look cause I think I broke it. I did. But thankfully it went with the part that he had already ordered. Whew! So, the part came lightening fast and in two days from ordering to getting the part and the Super Husband taking my washing machine apart and putting in back together, it's fixed and working! Whoohoo!
So, that is what I am very much thankful for today.....a washing machine that works! Now, off to do my pile of laundry.....
Happy Thursday to you!
It's a pretty simple one this week. As much as we all love (or not so much) doing laundry, I have to say having a machine that is working properly is very beneficial! Ours has been hit or miss for a couple months now. Then, the other night I was in there trying to get the whatsahoozit to work and I hear this "snap!" and then you here, "HON!" from the laundry room (me) calling to my fabulous and wonderful Hubby to come and take a look cause I think I broke it. I did. But thankfully it went with the part that he had already ordered. Whew! So, the part came lightening fast and in two days from ordering to getting the part and the Super Husband taking my washing machine apart and putting in back together, it's fixed and working! Whoohoo!
So, that is what I am very much thankful for today.....a washing machine that works! Now, off to do my pile of laundry.....
Happy Thursday to you!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
All about Handmade
I have taken the pledge! Okay, so really I have been making handmade gifts for Christmas for as long as I can remember. It all started when I learned how to knit, crotchet and sew. I was little and I took to it immediately and LOVED it! I made things here and there all the time, but when I learned I could do things with a needle and thread (or yarn and hook) well, a whole new world opened up to me! I started to analyze things to see how they were made. Like a pretty sock bunny that I had received as a gift years before. I looked at it one day and decided I wanted to make one! So I did. Many. As a matter of fact, my whole family each received a completely hand sewn sock bunny that year for Christmas. I have to say, they were quite, what's the word....humble looking. But, I enjoyed every bit of their making. And to this very day my sister still has hers that I made for her. And that is saying something seeing that she "cleans" things out often and is married to a dear fellow who has no sentimentality of "things", even humble, sweet little sock bunnies. But, she has kept it! I will have to see if I can get a pic of it. It's seriously kinda sad looking. poor thing. I also made these silly little medicine bottle covers once. Not sure why, but I thought all people who ever needed to take medicine should need these for the not so attractive medicine bottles. So, I crocheted little animals and added felt detail to them. What I was thinking I don't know. However, my mom still has her little bottle "creature" I made for her. Hmmm, something about the handmade from the heart thing, huh? I love handmade. So, this year, even if I do not make it myself, I have pledged to buy handmade as well!
Happy Handmade to you and yours!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Have you ever seen....

A Fire Man/ Super Hero/ Lion?! Now ya have! Last night was fun....except for the part where I tripped over my son's bike (got some nice bruises from the fall...ouch)while trying to run from a BEE that was after me. I should mention, I am, for whatever reason, terrified of BEES! I know, silly of me, but it's true. You should have heard the rolling laughter from my sister!
Happy Thursday!
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