Wow, totally took a blogging break without meaning to! That ever happen to anyone else? This week has just gotten away from me! Been pretty busy filling some orders and, of course, making time for the Monkey Boy before he heads back to pre-school. Okay, so we have like almost four weeks, but I konw they are going to go by SO very fast! Looking forward to the new school year and all the fun learning, but will really miss the time we've had together at home this Summer. Meanwhile, this is what we've been up to a little last week and this week.

We're pretty much into the handmade thing around here (obviously) and decided to have some fun making our own Thank You notes to send to the little ones that came to Jake's birthday. We thought it would be fun to cut up some paper, paint with our water colors and then write a little note of thanks.

He got a little serious and thoughtful for a bit with the painting, but then when it was all over, he gave a smile.

Now, we just need to get them to the post office.....
1 comment:
I LOVE letting my kids do stuff like this! We have a big art kit that we get out and they go to town! Looks like he had fun!
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