I have decided to try something new for my blog. I don't know if this has been done or not by anyone else out there, but I have decided to make Thursday posts on my blog all about things I am thankful for. It's just a random thought that came to my mind as I was reading books this morning with my son and thinking how precious and thankful I was for that moment.Not sure how I will work it all out or how long a list (maybe five things?) each Thursday, but from now on, Thankful Thursdays will be happening on this here blog. :)
So, here it is. Lemon Drops first official Thankful Thursday post.
I am thankful for so many things, but today in particular...
I am thankful for books to read with my son
I am thankful for the unfinished laundry I have to do, because it means we will have clean clothes to wear!
I am thankful for my Gramms who lives close by and has a close relationship with her Great-Grandchildren. It's such a priviledge, really.
I am thankful for the little boy God gave me building towers with blocks while singing his own little version of "Jingle Bells", it has brought a few chuckles to my day.
There it is. I hope everyone else is having a Thankful Thursday of their own today!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tag, I'm it!
The fabulous Pampering Beki has tagged me! The rules of the game: list 6 weird/interesting things about yourself and then tag a further 6 bloggers (by going to their blog and telling them to check out your blog post related to this) to keep the momentum going. List your 6 tagged bloggers at the bottom of your post.
K, here goes....
1 I am allergic to cantaloupe. I know, very sad and people look at me like I'm nuts, but it's true. If I eat it, my tongue gets all itchy and then it starts to swell and blocks air passages-Not good. So I don't eat it.
2 My favorite color is purple, but there is no purple in my decor whatsoever. There is plenty of yellow though! Go figure.
3 I am an origami nut. I LOVE origami. Someone gave me a book about it when I was maybe 8or9 and I have been hooked ever since.
4 I love watching documentaries. My husband thinks I am slightly odd for it, but what can he say, he'll watch 'em with me!
5 I have a serious phobia of public restrooms. Call it my dislike of germs, but I will not use them unless it's an emergency.
6 I LOVE old movies. Love them! In High School, there was a little group of us that would get together on occasion and just watch old movies the whole time. Crazy, but who doesn't like Cary Grant or Doris Day?! Maybe it's just me.
Whew! Glad it was only six things to list. Now, I have to say I am gonna follow PamperingBeki's Lead and only tag ONE fellow blogger. And I'll tag.....
The Vintage Pearl
K, here goes....
1 I am allergic to cantaloupe. I know, very sad and people look at me like I'm nuts, but it's true. If I eat it, my tongue gets all itchy and then it starts to swell and blocks air passages-Not good. So I don't eat it.
2 My favorite color is purple, but there is no purple in my decor whatsoever. There is plenty of yellow though! Go figure.
3 I am an origami nut. I LOVE origami. Someone gave me a book about it when I was maybe 8or9 and I have been hooked ever since.
4 I love watching documentaries. My husband thinks I am slightly odd for it, but what can he say, he'll watch 'em with me!
5 I have a serious phobia of public restrooms. Call it my dislike of germs, but I will not use them unless it's an emergency.
6 I LOVE old movies. Love them! In High School, there was a little group of us that would get together on occasion and just watch old movies the whole time. Crazy, but who doesn't like Cary Grant or Doris Day?! Maybe it's just me.
Whew! Glad it was only six things to list. Now, I have to say I am gonna follow PamperingBeki's Lead and only tag ONE fellow blogger. And I'll tag.....
The Vintage Pearl
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
How exciting! I'm featured!
Wow, this is exciting! I have a little feature on my Pumpkin Onesie over at Polka Dot Mom
Friday, August 24, 2007
Laundry and Lizards?!?
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Glimpse of Winter
Here it is, the Falling Snowflake Onesie. It will be going up in my shop this week.I have to say, it brings back memories of making paper snowflakes. In Texas, well, we just don't get much snow. Well, not the area I live anyway. I do love snowflakes though!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Happenings at Little Bird
I have had a few things *in progress* for a bit now and am hoping to have most of them make their debut sometime this week in my shop. I am excited to get these things accomplished, however, a delay in some deliveries of supplies might cause it not to happen when I had originally planned! Oh well, life happens. Meanwhile, it's been really fun to work on some new designs with my son close by and him putting his four year old *two cents* in. Really though, he can be quite helpful! Of course, having the new designs in my head and then getting them out to look the way I want them to is another story. I have some other works other than onesies and tees to come out soon as well, but they will most likely not be making an appearance this week.
Anyhoo, hope everyone else had a nice weekend and Happy Monday to you!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Crafty Fun
Just a couple more weeks before my little one heads back off to preschool. *sigh*. There are other moms I know that are totally ready for it to start, but I am kinda having mixed emotions about it all. I know he will have tons of fun and it will free up some time for me to start really working on all the Fall and Winter designs I have in the works for my shop. Really itching to get those ready to go! Meanwhile, before the time is up, little monkey boy and I have been doing some fun paper crafts like finger puppets! Really fun. Gotta love the simplicity of things like this.
Monday, August 13, 2007
For The Love of Four
Wousa, I've been tagged! AND it's taken me this long to post about it! Stephanie has tagged me for The Love of Four, so, here I go:
4 jobs I have had:
Massage Therapist (yes, I am one, just not currently practicing), Ad Sales for a weddings magazine, Assistant Manager at a Hat store (that was TONS of fun!), File Clerk for a medical office
4 films I could watch over and over:
Meet the Parents, The Notebook, Pride&Prejudice ( I know looong, but I LOVE it) Emma
4 Places I have lived:
All have been in Texas, starting with Austin, Dallas, Bryan/College Station, Round Rock (boring I know, but I have traveled plenty OUTside of Texas. :)
4 Favorite TV shows:
Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, Lost and Gilmore Girls (thats now over..bummer)
4 Favorite Foods:
Fish (salmon, red snapper), broccoli, Chinese, chocolate (that counts, right?)
4 Websites I visit everyday:
Etsy, ebay, favorite blogs, and such like that
4 Places I would love to be:
The beach...just anywere with a beach.
4 Favorite Colors:
Too hard, I like SO many! Purple however is a number one fav.
4 Names I love but would/could not use for my children:
Fiona, Avery, Bailey, Dawson
4 jobs I have had:
Massage Therapist (yes, I am one, just not currently practicing), Ad Sales for a weddings magazine, Assistant Manager at a Hat store (that was TONS of fun!), File Clerk for a medical office
4 films I could watch over and over:
Meet the Parents, The Notebook, Pride&Prejudice ( I know looong, but I LOVE it) Emma
4 Places I have lived:
All have been in Texas, starting with Austin, Dallas, Bryan/College Station, Round Rock (boring I know, but I have traveled plenty OUTside of Texas. :)
4 Favorite TV shows:
Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, Lost and Gilmore Girls (thats now over..bummer)
4 Favorite Foods:
Fish (salmon, red snapper), broccoli, Chinese, chocolate (that counts, right?)
4 Websites I visit everyday:
Etsy, ebay, favorite blogs, and such like that
4 Places I would love to be:
The beach...just anywere with a beach.
4 Favorite Colors:
Too hard, I like SO many! Purple however is a number one fav.
4 Names I love but would/could not use for my children:
Fiona, Avery, Bailey, Dawson
life, laundry and disasters
I am a total disaster today! Okay, maybe not so much me, just the day. Here, at my house, Mondays and Fridays are our laundry days. So, we get up and have a pretty leisurely morning and just trying to clean up from the weekend and all that. I decide I need to get laundry started so I throw a load in. Then, I think, hmm, I will go check my email and maybe do some blogging.....being that I have been terrible at it the last week or so. All of a sudden I hear *trikle, trikle* from down the hall. Thinking, hmmm, Jake did not run down the hallway to the bathroom, what could that be??? (see where this is headed yet?) It strikes me and I run like a frantic woman to the laundry to find the washer overflowing with water and the floor flooded!!! I *wade* through and manage to get the machine turned off and then, without knowing of anything closer to grab, snatch all my (freshly laundered from Fraiday's laundry day) towels and throw them to the floor to try and stop the flowing water before it reaches our newly put down wood floors that my husband worked so very hard on! Whew! mission accomplished in preventing the flood from taking over that part of the house. Yikes! Now, I have triple the laundry to do since I now have soaked towels all over the laundry floor. Bummer. Well, then after that mess my son announces he is hungry (since it's lunch time by now) and I go to make him some tuna a tomatoes that he requested. (yes I did just say tuna, my son LOVES fish. Mostly Salmon though). So, I go and get all that ready and we eat our tuna and tomatoes. Then I go to clean up and somehow fumbled to where the dishes flew out my hands and landed hard in the sink (nothing broke though) and the disposal somehow gets switched on and as I go to flip it off, knocked a roll of paper towles into the sink under the running water (rendering them no longer useful since they are now soaked through) and pushes something (I think a fork) down the drain! I managed to get the disposal turned off before much else happened, but I must say, I am a little afraid to see whats down the sink.....
Anyone else have days like this??? I think I need to go back to my sewing studio and work some more on my fall and winter onesie desings that I hope to preview in the Etsy shop soon. Maybe it's safer in there........
Happy Monday all and I will be back tomorrow with hopefully a more crafty post! :)
Anyone else have days like this??? I think I need to go back to my sewing studio and work some more on my fall and winter onesie desings that I hope to preview in the Etsy shop soon. Maybe it's safer in there........
Happy Monday all and I will be back tomorrow with hopefully a more crafty post! :)
Thursday, August 9, 2007
what we've been up to
Wow, totally took a blogging break without meaning to! That ever happen to anyone else? This week has just gotten away from me! Been pretty busy filling some orders and, of course, making time for the Monkey Boy before he heads back to pre-school. Okay, so we have like almost four weeks, but I konw they are going to go by SO very fast! Looking forward to the new school year and all the fun learning, but will really miss the time we've had together at home this Summer. Meanwhile, this is what we've been up to a little last week and this week.

We're pretty much into the handmade thing around here (obviously) and decided to have some fun making our own Thank You notes to send to the little ones that came to Jake's birthday. We thought it would be fun to cut up some paper, paint with our water colors and then write a little note of thanks.

He got a little serious and thoughtful for a bit with the painting, but then when it was all over, he gave a smile.

Now, we just need to get them to the post office.....
We're pretty much into the handmade thing around here (obviously) and decided to have some fun making our own Thank You notes to send to the little ones that came to Jake's birthday. We thought it would be fun to cut up some paper, paint with our water colors and then write a little note of thanks.
He got a little serious and thoughtful for a bit with the painting, but then when it was all over, he gave a smile.

Now, we just need to get them to the post office.....
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